The Challenge

As our client was developing a new food brand aimed toward health and wellness, they called on us to thoroughly investigate target consumer segment candidates and ultimately recommend the one whose lifestyle, attitudes and needs aligned best with key aspects of the brand and its future offerings.

The Approach

We designed a two-part program that allowed us to learn about each segment purely and separately first, and to make comparisons later.

We explored the segments’ aspirations and philosophies on health, wellness and personal lifestyle, using online discussions with consumers across the country.

Second, we delved into the segments’ actual behaviors and choices through in-person discussions and creative exercises. We synthesized all learnings, considering strength of alignment between segment priorities and key cornerstones of the brand.

The Outcome

This design allowed us to identify where and how the opportunities for our brand were, and to ultimately determine for whom the new brand could offer unique emotional and/or physical value.

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